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Ready to start your application?

Looking for a little more information about what the application process entails? Scroll down to select your Student Type and read about the specifics of your application process.

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How to apply

Select your program type below, then explore the application process step-by-step or jump straight to your specific application.

Undergraduate Application Process

An undergraduate college student is someone who has completed high school or earned a GED and is ready to pursue their first degree at a university. So, if you're planning to earn your first bachelor's degree at the University of Montana, that means you’ll apply for freshman admission as an undergraduate.  

If you’ve been enrolled concurrently in high school and college, or if you’ve completed fewer than 12 college credits after graduating high school, you’re still in this group too. You’ll apply for freshman undergraduate admission. Walk through the application process with us and get the scoop on what you can expect. 

Missoula College/Bitterroot College Application Process

Planning to get an associate degree, looking for workforce training or preparing to transfer to a bachelor’s program later? You will apply to Missoula College or Bitterroot College.

Online Student Application Process

If you plan to take online classes and will not attend classes in-person, you will apply as an online student. Students who are interested in applying for this status must meet the University's general admission requirements for first-year or transfer students.

Graduate Application Process

Graduate students are those who have earned a bachelor’s degree and are ready to dive deeper into a specific field by pursuing a master's or doctoral degree. Whether you’re continuing on in academia or using a grad program to further your career, UM can help you take your career to the next level. 

If you are interested in pursuing a law degree, a Doctorate of Physical Therapy or a Pharmacy degree, keep scrolling for more details on those applications.

Transfer Application Process

If you have completed more than 12 college-level credits at another college or university since graduating from high school and now you want to complete your degree at the University of Montana, you will apply for transfer admission.

International Application Process

If you reside outside the United States and you are not a U.S. citizen, you will apply as an international student. Don’t worry, the process of making the University of Montana your new home for college is easy.

Military-Affiliated Application Process

A military-affiliated college student is someone who's a veteran, an active-duty service member or a military spouse or dependent. At the University of Montana, our Military and Veteran Services Office can help you navigate applying to college and understanding your G.I. Bill ® program benefits. Explore the application process with us and get the scoop on what you can expect.

Dual Enrollment Application Process

Our Dual Enrollment Program offers high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while you’re still enrolled in high school. In order to be eligible for Dual Enrollment, you must be: at least a junior in high school or between the ages of 16-19, and on track to complete your high school diploma or certification within a four-year time frame.

Law School Application Process

If you have completed your undergraduate degree and are ready to tackle your juris doctorate degree, applying to the University of Montana Alexander Blewett III School of Law is your next step. You’ll need to have scores from either the LSAT or GRE before applying. Learn more about the application process for law school at UM. 

Physical Therapy Application Process

Ready to take the next steps toward earning your doctorate in Physical Therapy at the University of Montana? You’ll need  a bachelor’s degree, a 3.0 or higher GPA and up-to-date GRE scores.

Pharmacy School Application Process

Ready to dig into the PharmD program at UM? You’ve got three options for admission. 

1) The Traditional UM Pre-Pharmacy Admission Pathway: Choose this option if you’re starting off by entering as an undergraduate pre-pharmacy major. 

2) The GrizRX Assurance Program Pathway: If you are an academically qualified high school seniors and  want to expedite your route to the PharmD, this one’s for you. 

3) The Transfer Pathway: Got pre-pharmacy credentials from another institution? No problem —you’ll apply via PharmCAS too. 

Didn’t go to UM for your undergrad? No worries –  you can still apply for the PharmD using the normal process in PharmCAS.