Industry Connections

From connections forged in the classroom to career networking that will take you places
you've only dreamed of, UM students go on to become successful graduates who love
to lend a hand when it comes to lifting up the next generation.
More than 100,000 UM students have been minted UM alumni since our inaugural Commencement
ceremony in 1898 celebrated first graduates Ella Robb Glenny and Eloise Knowles. With
bonds formed on campus and knowledge acquired in and outside the classroom, today's
graduates continue to serve society, our communities and one another.
It all adds up
'The best decision I made was attending UM'
In 2022, the acceptance rate for students who graduated from UM's pre-med advising program was a whopping 70%. For reference, the national average medical school acceptance rate is 41%. These numbers don't lie: It's clear that UM's pre-med formula of student support and intensive academic advising is working.
Opportunity from every angle “UM is really the gaming center of Montana right now and I never dreamed this would
be an opportunity for me. I’m beyond grateful to be doing something I love and actually
majoring in it.” “I think the internship program is key to being able to make an informed decision
about what you want to do with your degree because at least 50% of knowing what you
want to do is knowing what you don’t want to do." “I gained the ability to listen to diverse sets of policyholders and then to come
up with solutions for bigger picture decisions. The MPA helped me learn to analyze
and look at the way things work before making decisions.” 300+ students on the eSports team No. 1 in nation for promoting public service No. 1 business school in the Big Sky Conference 100+ Fulbright student scholars No. 1 wildlife biology program in North America 60+ Udall scholarship recipientsBehind the scenes
“It was my first job working in the assistant camera department and it was a wild
ride,” says media arts graduate Caelan Fisher.From student to teacher
Prepared to serve
“Our students are exposed to all sorts of health care professionals, and our involvement
with them makes this program strong, because they get to see a wide array of other
careers and understand that anything in medicine requires a team,” says program director
Dave McEvoy. “There are world-class people teaching this program, and I couldn’t be
prouder of the quality of what these people are doing.”Once a Griz, always a Griz