High School Counselors

You're in the right place
As a high school counselor, we know that helping students apply to college is just one of many, many tasks you do on a daily basis. That's why we creating this page especially for you! Here, you'll find the information you and your students are looking for when it comes to applying to and attending the University of Montana.
It all starts here
World-class academics, in the classroom and the great outdoors, on one hand. Internships, real-world know how and meaningful industry connections on the other. With more than 175 programs to choose from, your students will find what they're looking for here.
Tuition and Scholarships
For most students, cost of attendance is among the most important considerations when weighing your options for higher education. Luckily, we are experts at helping sort through the details!
Undergraduate - University of Montana
Are you a first-time student planning to start at UM in fall 2024? You’ll want to complete these tasks as you toward becoming a student at the University of Montana.
Apply now
The application for Fall 2024 is open now. Start your application today!
Apply for housing
Planning to live on-campus? Submit your housing application ASAP, as residence halls are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Start Your Checklist
UM's Admitted Student Checklist is where you'll find your personalized list of tasks to complete before you can register for classes.
File Your FAFSA
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, to receive federal funding for higher education.
Undergraduate - University of Montana
Are you a first-time student planning to start at UM in fall 2024? You’ll want to complete these tasks as you toward becoming a student at the University of Montana.
Apply now
The application for Fall 2024 is open now. Start your application today!
Apply for housing
Planning to live on-campus? Submit your housing application ASAP, as residence halls are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
Start Your Checklist
UM's Admitted Student Checklist is where you'll find your personalized list of tasks to complete before you can register for classes.
File Your FAFSA
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, to receive federal funding for higher education.
Life as a Griz
Our undergraduates go far
“Sometimes I can’t believe how individualized my path was at UM. And then I think about how much support I received to pursue practically any topic that interests me. The opportunities offered to me were limitless.”
"The best thing I’ve done in college is the marching band. Every student at UM can find something like that. UM is the one college I looked at where there is truly something for everyone, so go out there and find your marching band."
“I was able to take a lot of classes so I could become more culturally competent. Honestly, I got a whole new view of the world.”

Fulbright Scholars
Udall Scholars
student groups
intramural and club sports
public health BS in MT
pathways to health care careers
Jump-Start College with Dual Enrollment
Co-host a FAFSA Night with UM
Are you a high school counselor interested in hosting a FAFSA night for your school
or organization? We can help! Co-hosting an event is a great way to help prospective
students and families navigate the FAFSA application.
Complete the FAFSA Night Request Form to talk to a Financial Education representative
about hosting an in-person or Zoom event.
Get Grizzly With It
Double down on Missoula
Faculty who lead the way
At the University of Montana, our faculty aren’t just teachers: They’re committed mentors who re-imagine how to best deliver curriculum and who possess a passion for helping students forge their own way in academic and professional settings.
Student stories, faculty spotlights and more
When it comes to student success stories, research breakthroughs, new academic offerings and alumni accomplishments, there's never a dull moment at the University of Montana. Visit our UM News website for a round-up of the recent headlines.
Navigating the College Journey
Fueled by passion
With more than 10,000 students across undergraduate and graduate programs, workforce training and technical certifications, our Grizzlies contribute their passion and practicality toward stewardship and sustainability for the world around us.
Not a high school counselor?
No worries! Select the kind of visitor are you from the list below and learn more about what UM has to offer.