Dual Enrollment for Out-of-State High Schoolers

High School is the Perfect Time to Start College
Our Dual Enrollment Program offers so many advantages every high school junior and senior should sign up, regardless of where you live.
This program help jump start your collegiate career and tune your muscles for the rigors of undergrad studies.
Interested in learning more? Read on.
“I am super glad I did it. It gave me a great perspective of what college would be like. It’s good to be challenged and ready for the faster pace of study in college.”
“The program is such a benefit. They learn how to manage time and to be a college student before they leave home. It’s not for all kids, but kids are also capable of anything they put their minds to.”

Dual Enrollment students, spring 2023
courses offered online
Dual Enrollment students, spring 2023
courses offered online
Take College Classes Online
As an out-of-state high school student, you are eligible for the Early College Program,
which allows high school students in any location to take college courses online.
Take any 100 or 200 level classes offered online during fall, spring or summer semesters
and you'll follow the same course deadlines as all undergraduate students also in
the course.
Students are able to knock out at least one semester of college while participating
in the program, which means even more savings on all the other costs that come with

Credits That Will Follow You Almost Everywhere
This is the Real Deal

You Look Ready to Apply
The first step in starting your life as a college student is to fill out our short online application form. Then, we’ll send you an email from BeAGriz@umontana.edu with your application login
1) Create an account password (write it down in case you forget like we do) and then
under “Your Applications'' click on “Dual Enrollment.”
2) Open the application, complete the seven sections (if you are under 18 your parents
will need to fill out information under "Add Additional Reference") and then press
“Submit Application.”
3) Next, you’ll be sent a Course Selection Form to pick the classes we’ll register
you for.
4) Let the fun begin!
Are You a 'Local' Student?
You're considered a 'local' Dual Enrollment student if you live in Missoula, Ravalli, Lake, Mineral or Lewis and Clark County. Find out more about the Dual Enrollment options available to local students.
Are You a Montana High School Student?
The benefits of Dual Enrollment are plentiful for Montana students who reside outside the local Missoula area. Online class options abound and the tuition savings are real.