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Application Process for Other Applicants

Looking directly down at the Oval on the UM campus

How to Apply: Other Applicant Types

The University of Montana serves all types of students, including those returning to college after a break, post-baccalaureate students, non-degree seeking students, nontraditional students, homeschool graduates, visiting students and more. Scroll down to find application process details specific to your situation.

Returning to UM?

Students previously enrolled at the University of Montana who have interrupted their enrollment for more than 24 months will reapply using the Returning Student application.

Homeschoolers welcome

UM welcomes homeschool graduates! To apply, complete the undergraduate application and provide a transcript of homeschool courses this is signed by a parent/guardian.

Non-traditional Students

Non-traditional-aged applicants (out of high school more than three years) will submit a complete the undergraduate application and request high school or college transcripts or GED/HiSET scores be sent to Enrollment Services-Admissions.

Visiting Students

Visiting students are those who are enrolled at another university, but plan to take one or more classes at UM.

Students taking part in the National Student Exchange program are considered visiting students, as are students who will take classes during UM's summer semester. Visiting students should 
apply using the Visiting Student application.

Apply as a Post-Baccalaureate Student

A post-baccalaureate (post-bacc) student is someone who has completed an undergraduate degree and is interested in enrolling in another bachelor's program, completing a certificate program or taking classes in preparation for transitioning to graduate or professional school. 

Non-Degree Seeking Students

Non-degree seeking students enroll for personal or professional benefit but do not intend to earn a degree. If you are planning to enroll as a non-degree-seeking student, you'll apply to UM using the Non-Degree Seeking Student application. 

Start Your Application

If you are already familiar with the application process - or you're comfortable diving right in - you can start your application now.

There are a few ways to apply to UM: 

The Common App is a shared application that allows you to apply to multiple nationwide schools simultaneously. We recommend that students who are planning on applying to multiple schools nationwide use the Common App. If you are a first-time student or a transfer student, you may use the Common App.

Apply MT allows Montana residents to apply to multiple colleges in Montana at once. We recommend Montana residents use the Apply Montana application. The application is free for Montana residents. If you are a first-time student or a transfer student AND a Montana resident, you may use the Apply MT application.


Application and Enrollment Process

“But wait! This isn’t me!”

Looking for a different application process? Choose the app that best fits your case. Or, tell us a little more about what you're looking for, and we'll get you where you need to be.